2.5 A close up example of rendering using our piecewise tri-linear
representation............................... 19
2.6 A close up example of rendering using our piecewise tri-linear
representation............................... 19
3.1 These figures show the result of building scalars from existing
segmentation. The top row of figures is a two-material example, and
the bottom four figures represent the three-material case. 3.1(a)
and 3.1(d) are the binary classification input. 3.1(b) and 3.1(e) are
results of assigning all Γs as the scalar field. 3.1(c) and 3.1(f) are the
results of blurring using the heuristic described in Section 3.1..... 21
3.2 Figure 3.2(b) shows a multi-material map generated from the
iso-surfaces of Figure 3.2(a)........................ 22
3.3 Interactive painting-based segmentation of human head: the density
volume 3.3(a), restricting painting to thresholded bones 3.3(b), user
painting with spherical brush 3.3(c), and labeling result after
graph-cut segmentation 3.3(d)...................... 23
4.1 PDB examples segmented using our painting interface. In order of
left-to-right, the images of first row are of datasets 1EO8 and 1R8J.
The second row images are of IXTC and 2P1P............. 31