The name is absent

List of Tables

2.1 Toxicity frequency for randomized eligible patients by study arms. In
the placebo (Isotretinoin) group, 171 (427) out of 577 (589) patients
exhibited some type of toxicity. In bold the proportion of patients in
the study arm belonging to the cell................... 33

2.2 Simulated data set, marginal posterior cell probabilities with central

95% credible intervals. In bold are the true cell probabilities...... 34

2.3 Marginal posterior cell probabilities (central 95% credible intervals) of
toxicity. The table only reports grades up to
к = 3. The marginal prob-
abilities for
grade G4 abnormal vision are O (with 95% C.I. (0,0.002))
under placebo, and 0.001 (with 95% C.I., (0,0.002)) under isotretinoin. 35

2.4 Probability of different toxicities (at any grade; rows) conditional on
the same patient having experienced other toxicities (at any grade;
columns). The two numbers
x/у in each cell report probabilities under
placebo∕isotretinoin. For comparison the diagonal reports in bold the
marginal probabilities of exhibiting each type of toxicity........ 36

3.1 Considered tripeptide-tissue pairs by using the rule (3.35) with a thresh-

old value of 7. The expected values of FDR and FNR are 0.337 and
0.113 respectively. Pairs considered: 30.................. 77

4.1 Reported number of successes∕trials for each one of the sarcoma subtypes. 84

4.2 Simulation truth pi under five alternative scenarios.......... 91

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