4.4 Sl through S4. Panels (a) through (d) show the average number of
patients (Ni) and early stopping probabilities (pi) under scenarios Sl
through S4. Both summaries are with respect to repeat experimenta-
tion. Summaries are arranged by the simulation truth pi, shown on
the horizontal axis. In each panel, the upper part shows the average
number of patients Ni that enter into the study for each arm. The
. lower part shows the early stopping probability (pi). The stars (“*”)
show summaries under the NEPPM. The circles (“o”) show summaries
for the HLRM. The character size is proportional to Ni, the maximum
sample size for each subtype........................ 98
4.5 Central 95% credible intervals for the success rates of the treatment
in the sarcoma subtypes in the study when applying the proposed
NEPPM with parameter 7 = 1. Right square bracket marks the 5%
percentile. The upper two and the rest Cl’s correspond, respectively, to
the two and ten sarcoma subtypes with good and intermediate prognoses. 100