These groups, while employing guerrilla-style anti-state politics in occupying owned land,
demonstrate that the popular anti-establishment publics include not only discourses based
on and advocating for political insurgence, but also environmentalism (see figure 5) and
libertarian civic ideologies with connections around the world.
Figure 5: A banner hung outside the occupied house in Halandri, Athens, reads: “the creek must remain
green: no more cement, no more lies”.
Of note, some of the groups that occupy houses like the Prapopoulou squat in the
Athenian suburb OfHalandri have begun to host their own websites1 ɪɪ and to run their
own blogs, effectively contributing to the anti-establishment publics that inspired them.
Let us consider the Prapopoulou squat more closely.
111 As of the publication of this article the Prapopoulou squat website could be found at:
http://protovouliaxalandriou.blogspot.com/ (.)