Appendix 1
and I sought to add to my previous research a much deeper understanding of the private
Romani experience of living and being productive in the city. I designed my
methodology in order to gain access to official structures and key individuals responsible
for setting the social and economic policy in Greece that influenced Romani daily life,
and conversely, which Romani daily life influenced. I situated this approach, in turn, in
relation to the experiences of other, non-Romani minorities in the city3, and of course the
dominant Athenian population.
Currently, the total Romani population in the Attica region of Greece is uncertain,
although estimates suggest between 200,000 and 350,000 individuals, or two to three
percent of the total population of Greece, the majority living in or near Athens4 Roma
have been in Greece for centuries; there is, however, no official Greek-Romani history
nor are Greek Roma well-represented in official histories of Greece in general; a grievous
omission considering the importance of the Roma community to Greek arts (particularly
the laɪko, λα'iκ6, or folk tradition, which they helped establish) and state formation
(especially the war of independence in which they were instrumental as freedom fighters).
The vast majority of Greek Roma identify themselves as both Greeks and Romani.
The Romani aspect of their identity can be very complex. First, Roma claim belonging to
specific master clans such as Yifti, Turko-Yifti, Rudara, Kalpazaya, Handuriya, Filipijiya,
Fichirya, Erlides, Sepechides, among others. Secondly, individuals claim particular
regional identities, such as the Kavala Roma, Halkida Roma, and Patras Roma. Some of
the Roma living in the area I work claim membership to several of these categories
simultaneously. Linguistically, most Roma in the country are Greek speakers who retain
3 For more on this aspect of my research, please see my forthcoming dissertation.
4 This population estimate is based on the data collected by various local NGOs and activists. There is
currently no official population figure available from the state.
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