Chapter 2
Numerical Studies Of Dipolar
Condensates With Split-Step Fourier
The recent experimental progress in Chromium [2] has stimulated many new theoretical
studies on dipolar condensates, the ultracold Bose gases with dominant dipole-dipole inter-
action. The two-body dipolar interaction potential can be written as:
V ∕v √x _ 1 “ 3 c°s2 θ
Vdd(χ, F ) - —:--;-----74—
4π r - r'3
where μ∪ is the vacuum magnetic permeability, and θ is the angle between the dipole mo-
ment and the vector r - r'. As we can see from above, the dipole-dipole interaction is
anisotropic and partially attractive.
Due to the partial attractiveness of the dipole-dipole interaction, a dipolar BEC may be