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Figure 3.2: Density profiles of the atomic cloud. The left and right column are results from different
traps with trap aspect ratio
Λ = 5 and 50, respectively. The upper, middle and lower row
correspond to different polarization
P = 0.2 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. In each subplot,
we have shown (from left to right) the column densities of the majority component,
of the minority component, their difference, and the axial spin denisty. The units for
length is zɪp, the Thomas-Fermi radius along the z-axis for an ideal Fermi gas.

4. finally system converges to the a steady state.

3.3 Current Results

Currently, we perform the calculations in both canonical (fixed particle number) and grand-
canonical (fixed chemical potential) mode. The range of the particle number varies form
200 to 2000. In practice,we also set the system temperature at
T = 0.Q2Tf for quick
convergence [34] when we perform the grand-canonical calculations.

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