The name is absent

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IV ' = sP = 4[F (V P V P - δ) + 2 £ F (V J V J - δ)]     (3.1)


Among the terms between square brackets, the first reflects the share of voters in
P whose reservation utility is satisfied, and the second the share of satisfied
voters from other groups (
J =3, 4). As the latter split their vote equally between
the two parties in the governing coalition, the second term is multiplied by
Finally, since each economic group constitutes one quarter of the population, the
whole expression is pre-multiplied by this number.

As ωi has the same uniform distribution in each group, F(ω) = 2 + φω. Recall
also that the expected value of the popularity shock
δ is zero, at the time policy
is set. After some simplifications, the expected seat share in the next legislature
for party
P reduces to:

E (ιv sP ) = 4 + 4 V P VP ) + 1XX (V J - V J )] .

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Thus, the expected seat share in the next legislature depends linearly on the
weighted indirect utilities of the voters from
J = P and from the opposition
parties. As mentioned above, the density
φ of the idiosyncratic reservation utilities
measures within-group mobility and hence the response of the expected seat shares
to economic policy. Note that the groups represented by a party in government
receive twice the weight of the groups in the opposition. Finally, whatever the
equilibrium policies at the policy formation stage,
VJ = VJ , by definition of
V J . Equation (3.2) thus immediately implies that the expected equilibrium seat
share in the next legislature for a coalition partner, at the
party formation stage
4. Thus, in the expected equilibrium continuation payoff ivWPP, given by (2.4)
above, we will be able to set
E(ivsP) = 1. By the symmetry of the model, the
expected seat share at the party formation stage for a small party in opposition
is exactly the same; i.e., in
ivWP we set E(ivsP) = 1.

What would happen if the opposition instead consisted of a single party? It
is easy to verify that the expressions for the expected vote shares for government
coalition parties at the party formation stage are exactly the same: i.e., we have
E(ivsP) = E(iiisP) = 4 for P = 1, 2. A single opposition party can expect to
capture the remaining votes
E(iiisP) = 2.


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