The name is absent

To prove the existence of a two party equilibrium, not only must (A10) be
verified, but
P =3and 4 must prefer to be merged rather than to stay split given
P = 1, 2 are merged. When merged, the payoff to P = 3 or 4 will be (1γψγ)
and when split, it will be 2(γψγ) 3φ. The condition to merge given that 1 and 2
have merged is thus

1+ Y φ< 2


γ ψ 3

Note that inequality (A10) is more stringent than (A11).

For a three party equilibrium with P =3, 4 merging to exist, one must verify
P =3and 4 prefer to merge when 1 and 2 prefer to remain split. Reversed
inequality (A10) gives the condition for
1 and 2 to remain split when P =3, 4
have merged.

Underathreepartyequilibrium, 2IIIWG4 = 4 [1+E(msS4)γ] γ4ψ+4E(IIIsO4) γ4ψγ.
We derive:

1  W34 =(1+γ) l 1 ,   2 - β

2 III G γψ 6φ   2φ(6 + β )

With four parties, the payoff to party P = 3,4 is IV WP = 2 [1+E(IVsP)γ2] γψ +
2 E (IV sO) γψ γ. We get


2(1 + γ)      2β

Yψ     φ(4 + β )

Therefore, IVWp < 2IIIWG4 if and only if

1 + Y φ <    + 2 — β + 1

γ ψ (4 + β) + 2(6 + β )+6

Note that the right hand side increases with β.

For a three party equilibrium, given (A10), we must thus have

2 — β + 1 <  + 2 — β + 1
6 + β + 3 (4 + β ) + 2(6 + β )+6

i.e. (4+β)2(26+β)1. This inequality will not hold for β = 0 but will hold
β =1. One also sees that the left-hand side monotonically increases with β.
There is thus a threshold
β* (0,1) above which a three party equilibrium will
exist. Heterogeneity can thus lead to a three party equilibrium.


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