2.3 Monetary authority
The nominal stock of money held by generations s = 2 through s = T + TR, Mt , grows
at the exogenous rate θ:
Mt+1 = θ..
The seignorage is transferred lump-sum to the government:
Seignt = Mt+1 — Mt + X J'/iR Mt j ■
The growth rate θt follows the process:
ʌ ʌ
θt = ρθθt-1 + εθt,
where εθt is assumed to be i.i.d., εθt ~ N(0, σ2).
2.4 Government
Nominal government expenditures consists of pensions Pent, and government lump-
sum transfers PtTrt to households. Government expenditures are financed by an income
tax Taxt and seignorage:
PtTrt + Pent = Taxt + Seignt. (21)
The income tax structure is chosen to match the current income tax structure in the US
most closely. Gouveira and Strauss (1994) have characterized the US effective income
tax function in the year 1989 with the following function:
τ( У ) = a о ( У — ( У-a1 + a 2) - a1 ´ , (22)
and estimate the parameters with a0 = 0■ 258, a 1 = 0■ 768 and a2 = 0■ 031. We use the
same functional form for our benchmark tax schedule. The average nominal income in
1989 amounts to approximately $50,000.5
5We follow Castaneda et al. (2004).