Federal Tax-Transfer Policy and Intergovernmental Pre-Commitment

The underprovision equilibrium is related to the existence of a positive horizontal fiscal
externality. Capital leaves state
i in response to a rise in its capital tax rate which, in turn,
raises the tax base in the neighboring state - a positive effect external to state
i’s tax setting
behavior (Wildasin, 1989). In its absence
(iz θ) each state would provide the efficient amount
of public goods leaving no rationale for the federal government to fiscally accommodate lower-
level government finances (
τ = 0).

5 Sequential Policy Choice: Pre-Commitment by the Federal

In this section, we analyze whether the inefficiency of the public sector is attenuated when the
federal government has the capacity to pre-commit toward state governments (centralized lead-
ership). The sequence of decisions now becomes:

First Stage: The federal government chooses {si , τ}i=1,2 . It anticipates the reaction of the
state governments as well as the reaction of households and firms.

Second Stage: State i decides on its policy variable ti taking the policy choice of the federal
{si , τ}i=1,2 and the neighboring state government tj as a given. It anticipates the
reaction of households and firms.

Third Stage: For given policy variables {si , ti , τ }i=1,2 , households and firms choose {ki , li }i=1,2 .

Again, the game is solved by backward induction in order to identify a symmetric subgame-
perfect equilibrium.

State Government The optimal policy choice of state i is ti = ti (si , τ). Inferring the slope
of the reaction function we differentiate the state first-order condition (9) and the state budget


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