Table A.1-1: Sources and Composition of the Variables | |||
Variable |
Table |
Column |
Page |
Net Domestic Product (NDP) |
5a: Die jdhrlichen Wachstumsraten des Nettoinlandsprodukts und The annual growth rates of net domestic product and |
1: Nettoinlandsprodukt in Preisen von 1913 Net domestic product in prices of 1913 |
26-7 |
Investment (I) |
249: Die Verwendung des Nettosozialprodukts zu Marktpreisen The financing of the net domestic product in market prices |
2: Nettoinvestitionen Net investment |
827-8 |
Bank Lending (B) Total Assets (TA) |
239: Die Finanzierung der einheimischen Nettoinvestitionen The financing of domestic net investment Sum of: |
1: Banken und Bausparkassen Banks and building societies |
812-3 |
Saving Banks |
202: Die Finanzierung durch die Sparkassen |
3: Bilanzsumme Total assets |
733-4 |
Cooperative Credit Associations |
203: Die Finanzierung durch die Kreditgenossenschaften |
4: Bilanzsumme Total assets |
736-7 |
Mortgage Banks |
205: Die Finanzierung durch die Hypothekenbanken The financing through mortgage banks |
4: Bilanzsumme Total assets |
739-40 |
Central Banks |
208: Die Finanzierungen durch die Notenbanken The financing through central banks |
1: Korrigierte Bilanzsumme |
751-2 |
Credit Banks |
207: Die Finanzierung durch die Kreditbanken ohne Notenausgabe The financing through credit banks without |
1: Aktienkapital + 2: Reserven + 3: Kreditoren, Depositen + 4: Akzepte Capital stock + reserves + payables, debtors + acceptances |
748-749 454-5 |
Note: All variables used in this paper are listed with its corresponding abbreviations. Data are taken from Hoffmann (1965). In addition to the table and column
numbers, table and column names are shown in original terms and in translation. The sample contains the years from 1870 to 1912.
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