Uncertain Productivity Growth and the Choice between FDI and Export

Uncertain Productivity Growth


3.2 FDI or Export with Productivity Growth

A more realistic scenario for productivity development can be modeled as

d$t = a$tdt


with α representing the productivity growth rate. Given the initial exponential cash-flows in
equation (16) and (17) it is necessary to adjust the growth rate for cases in which κ > 1. The
adjusted growth rate for convex profit flows results as

0   d$K

α = —— = ακ.


Still, without any risk, the appropriate discount rate is equal to the riskless interest rate r.
Consequently, for both strategies the gross value of their periodical cash-flows is determined by




with $K(s) = ^Keα0s and i {E, F}.                         (26)

T represents the time at which periodical profits start to flow and t the time at which the cash-
flows are evaluated, with
$0 representing the current productivity state. Therefore, the gross
present value of growing periodical cash-flows (t=0) is given by

Vi(0, T) = Mrκe-(r-α0)τ with δ,c = r - α0.


In contrast to the previous scenario an investor is not only confronted with the choice problem
between exporting and FDI. Additionally, a timing problem arises where the following net pay-offs
i ($) are optimized.

Fi(V) = max (M$-e r α T - ∕√ 'ʃ'ʌ , with $ = $0, i {E, F}.       (28)

T   r - α0

Equation (28) clearly illustrates the unequal total discount rates of the cash-flows and the fixed
costs. For α = 0 which represent the previous scenario, there is no reason to postpone or delay

7 A meaningful economic interpretation for the investment values result for r - α0 0. Under this condition it is
necessary that
βc > κ > 1 with βc = α.


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