An institutional analysis of sasi laut in Maluku, Indonesia


Coral reef destruction, however, is only one of the problems that people face. The increasing
competition with outside and commercial fishers plus the intrusion of large-scale fishers and
companies, have a large impact on the local, artisanal fishery. It is not surprising that the
majority of the respondents (55%) disagree with the sale of resource harvest rights to outsiders.
As long as their interests are not defended, and others would have access to the benefits
derived from improved management efforts, the local fishers have no incentive to cooperate.

Economic needs

The depleting fish catches urge the fishers to go further away to fish. Local fishers have inadequate
fishing techniques to reach the remaining fish resources, and they lack the capital to obtain competitive
fishing gears. In some cases, competition from outside fishers forces the fishers to sell their catch for
lower prices. All in all, this situation is a disincentive to comply with fisheries regulations.

Lack of alternatives

The increasing numbers of FADs obstruct inshore fishing. The fishers asked the village government
to develop the small-scale fishery and recently, there have been some moves to organize the fishers
in the village. They tried aquaculture of top shells, but the natural conditions are unfavorable. Offering
alternatives will help the fishers to comply with fisheries regulations and limit over-fishing.

Establishment of fisher groups, training, and workshops are needed to educate people and
create awareness. Responsibility should be shared. Fishers see the village government as being
responsible for support, i.e., providing ideas and technical assistance for the fishers’ groups.
Women specifically asked to learn fish processing and to be provided with capital.

Economic incentives

The perception of the crew working on the commercial fishing boats is different than that of the small-
scale fishers. The commercial crews have a clear interest in large catches. Their income is marginal, and
proportional to the catch. This arrangement is a strong incentive for over-fishing by the commercial fleet.

Establishment of an enforcement agency

The villagers felt the need to stop the decline of the marine environment and asked for a village
meeting. Plans have to be made and a role defined for the LMD and LKMD. The fishers would
like to see enforcement of the law on blast fishing, but this is only possible if there is a
kewang or
similar institution that can enforce the rules. The establishment of such an organization would
have a positive effect on fisheries management.


The average scores for the state of the resource, fish catches, family well-being, income and
distribution of benefits, indicate that generally, the Seri people have a positive attitude and
hope for the future. Their development, security and economy are perceived as satisfactory.
In fact Seri, as the representative of Maluku Province, won the first price in a national
competition for the development of housing and the environment in 1996. The pride of the
people and the fact that they have seen they can actually achieve something communally, are
positive incentives for further cooperation in, for example, fisheries management.

Dusun Seri, Desa Urimesing, Ambon Island 189

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