Centre for Longitudinal Studies

compute vprgey6=pregey6.

compute vprgey7=pregey7.

compute vprgey8=pregey8.

compute vprgey9=pregey9.

compute vprgey10=pregey10.

compute vprgey11=pregey11.

compute vprgey12=pregey12.

compute vprgey13=pregey13.

compute vprgey14=pregey14.

compute vprgey15=pregey15.

compute vprgey16=pregey16.

compute vprgey17=pregey17.

compute vprgey18=pregey18.

compute vprgey19=pregey19.

compute vprgey20=pregey20.

compute vprgey21=pregey21.

compute vprgey22=pregey22.

compute vprgey23=pregey23.

compute vprgey24=pregey24.

compute vprgey25=pregey25.

compute vprgey26=pregey26.

compute vprgey27=pregey27.

compute vprgey28=pregey28.

compute vprgey29=pregey29.

compute vprgey30=pregey30.

compute vprgey31=pregey31.

compute vprgey32=pregey32.

compute vprgey33=pregey33.

compute vprgey34=pregey34.

compute vprgey35=pregey35.

compute vprgey36=pregey36.

compute vprgey37=pregey37.

compute vprgey38=pregey38.

compute vprgey39=pregey39.

compute vprgey40=pregey40.

* Use variable totbaby to calculate number of babies carried in total, by checking each

* of the 40 possible slots for any date or outcome.

compute totbaby=0.

format totbaby(f1.0).

loop #i=1 to 40.

If (not(sysmis(vprega(#i))) or not(sysmis(vprgey(#i))) or not(sysmis(vprgem(#i))) or

end loop.

* Initialise variable 'noyrflag' to log cases where any outcome has a year '9999'.

* These cases must be excluded from the automatic re-ordering,and scrutinised manually.

compute noyrflag=0.

format noyrflag(f1.0).

compute pre91flg=0.

format pre91flg(f1.0).

* Construct date-of-birth variables which can be measured ordinally and subtracted from each

* using yrmoda function, which produces number of days elapsed since 15/10/1582.

* Flag up cases where year=9999, or prega (outcome)=9 or 8, for manual scrutiny.

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