Table 8: The Effects of the Average Corporate Tax Rate, Openness, and Their Interaction
_____on Gross Wages by Education: Dependent Variable: Ln(Annual Gross Wage)_____
Average Corporate Tax Rate |
Low Education |
Middle Education |
High Education |
-0.8522 *** |
-0.8560 *** |
-1.0517 *** | |
Openness |
-0.8313 *** (.221) |
-0.5169 ** |
-0.1189 (.166) |
(Openness- mean open)*Corp Tax |
0.1861 (.563) |
0.1895 |
-0.2196 (.511) |
Age |
0.6790 (.614) |
0.6821 (.439) |
0.8221 ** |
Age-Squared |
-0.0084 (.008) |
-0.0091 (.006) |
-0.0108 ** |
Male |
1.0062 *** (.3251) |
-0.6062 (.747) |
0.4129 (.335) |
GDP per Capita |
1.2582 *** |
0.8855 *** |
0.7331 *** (.095) |
Year |
-0.0192 *** |
-0.0206 *** |
-0.0073 (.008) |
Constant |
22.8936 ** (10.497) |
31.2044 *** (12.201) |
2.8470 (18.202) |
R-Squared N__________________________ |
0.7740 ________57________ |
0.7928 |
0.7732 __________57 |
Notes: All regressions include random effects and standard errors are clustered at the country level.
*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively.