Further simplifying the model by assuming that the volatility of the in-
formation process is constant, i.e. the information process is governed
by a geometric Brownian motion and assuming ʌɑC constant, we get
d.Ft = Ftλm σ7 dt + Ftσ, dWtF
From equation (18) it is obvious that the asset price follows a geomet-
ric Brownian motion process if the information process has constant
volatility and the risk premium is constant.
In this case the relative risk aversion is constant, too. From
,ʃ (Fτ)
--U (Fτ)
Fτ = constant,
we derive the following form of the utility function of the representative
investor for the case ʌɑ = = σ1
ɪ √1>
U (X) = C'X ʌ,ɪ+ + C2, X ∈ R+,
1 - —
where C1, C2 are constants. This utility function belongs to the HARA-
class. In contrast, if ʌɑ = = σ1, we get
U (X) = Ci ln(X) + C2 , X ∈ R+, (20)
with Ci, C2 being two constant parameters. Thus our example illus-
trates that a forward price process governed by a geometric Brownian
motion is consistent with an information process with constant volatil-
ity and a representative investor with a utility function given by equa-
tion (19) or equation (20) where the relative risk aversion is given by
the sharpe ratio divided by the volatility.11
11See also Bick [1], [2] and Franke, Stapleton, Subrahmanyam [12].