thus, the current price Ft has to be lower, since the terminal value Fr of the
forward price is given by lʃ (remember Fp = Ip).1°
With equation (16) we can give an explanation for the well documented
μt = σt (√1 — p2ʌɑ∖t) + λ^2∖t)pt) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T, defined as usual) :
time pattern of the sharpe ratio -μ∙, with μ the instantaneous drift of F (
μ := √1 — pλ<1 >(«) + λ<2>(t)p, , 0 ≤ t ≤ T. (17)
This equation shows that the sharpe ratio ɪ may be time-varying and sto-
chastic even if the risk premia are constant, i.e. ʌɑ∖t) = const., λ^2∖t) =
const, in equation (17). Hence, equation (17) suggests that seemingly un-
explainable variations of the risk premia λ and the sharpe ratio -μ may be
due to the assumption of a constant correlation p between Wf and Wv.
To illustrate our results we now consider the case when the volatility of
the information process depends on time only.
Example Let σ( depend on time only. Then the volatility of the information
process satisfies
τ _ τ I
σt = σo +
I b(s) ds
Then, by Theorem 1, the forward price of the asset satisfies the sto-
chastic differential equation
dFt = Ftλα( (t) σ1t dt + Ftσ1t dWF , 0 ≤ t ≤ T.
With this simplified model it is easily seen, that the properties of the
volatility of the information process transfer to the properties of the
drift and the volatility of the asset price process. The drift of the as-
set price process is equal to the volatility of the information process
multiplied by the market price of risk. The volatility of the informa-
tion process and the volatility of the asset price process are identical.
10The described effect is known as the volatility feedback effect. For similar results in
discrete time see Campbell, Hentschel [3] and Wu [33].