Critical Race Theory and Education: Racism and antiracism in educational theory and praxis David Gillborn*








One of the most important contemporary discussions of these challenges was Ali Rattansi’s (1992) contribution
to a new Open University Course ED356
“Race”, Education and Society . See also Nazir Carrim’s (1995)
discussion of how these issues have developed.

See Gillborn (1995).

The Commission for Racial Equality is a publicly funded body with responsibility for advising on race
equality issues and policing the enforcement of relevant legislation.

See, for example, the debate about antiracist research in the UK. Foster, Gomm & Hammersley (1996),
Hammersley (1995, 2000) and Tooley with Darby (1998) are leading examples of the “standards” approach; see
Blair (2004), Connolly (1998) and Gillborn (1995) for critical commentaries and responses.

This is an extract from an interview with Howard Becker conducted by J.C. Verhoeven for his study of
Symbolic Interaction (Verhoeven, 1989). I am extremely grateful to Professor Verhoeven for so generously
sharing his data with me.

Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001. Public Law 107-56-Oct 26 2001. A full transcript of the
legislation may be downloaded from the American Civil Liberties Union at (last accessed 21 February 2005).

This is one of the factors identified in the brief by the University of Michigan, defending its admissions
policies. The support of then US Secretary of State, the Republican former General Colin Powell, was also seen
as a key factor in contemporary news coverage (, 2003). For further background on the Michigan case,
see Ethridge (2003).


Apple, M.W. (1998a). Education and new hegemonic blocs: Doing policy the “right” way, International Studies in
Sociology of Education, 8
(2), 181-202.

Apple, M.W. (1998b). Foreword. In J.L. Kincheloe, S.R. Steinberg, N.M. Rodriguez & R.E. Chennault (Eds.) White
reign: Deploying whiteness in America
(pp. ix - xiii). New York: St Martin’s Press.

Apple, M.W. (2001). Educating the “right” way: Markets, standards, God and inequality. New York:

Apple, M.W. (2004). Ideology and curriculum. Third Edition. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.

Ashton, C. (2002). Untitled contribution to Greater London Authority (2003) Towards a vision of excellence: London
schools and the Black child: 2002 Conference Report.
London: Greater London Authority.

Ball, S.J. (1994). Education reform: A critical and post-structural approach. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Ball, S.J. (2004). The sociology of education: A disputational account. In S.J. Ball (Ed.) The RoutledgeFalmer reader
in sociology of education
(pp. 1-12). London: RoutledgeFalmer,

Becker, H.S. (1967). Whose side are we on? Social Problems, 14, 239-247.

Bell, D. (1980a). Race, racism and American law. Boston: Little Brown.

Bell, D. (1980b). Brown v. Board of Education and the interest convergence dilemma, Harvard Law Review, 93, 518-

Bell, D. (1990). After we’re gone: Prudent speculations on America in a post-racial epoch, St Louis Law Journal,
reprinted in R. Delgado & J. Stefancic (Eds.) (2000)
Critical race theory: The cutting edge. 2nd edition (pp. 2-8).
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Bhavnani, R. (2001). Rethinking interventions to combat racism. Stoke-on-Trent: Commission for Racial Equality, with
Trentham Books.

Blair, M. (2004). The myth of neutrality in educational research. In G. Ladson-Billings & D. Gillborn (Eds.) The
RoutledgeFalmer reader in multicultural education
(pp. 243-251). London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Blair, M. & Bourne, J. with Coffin, C., Creese, A. & Kenner, C. (1998). Making the difference: Teaching and learning
strategies in successful multi-ethnic schools.
London: Department for Education & Employment.

Bonnett, A. (1997). Constructions of whiteness in European and American anti-racism. In P. Werbner & T. Modood
Debating cultural hybridity: Multi-cultural identities and the politics of anti-racism (pp. 173-192).

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