Here we collect all required assumptions to establish the results of Theorem 1.
(A1) (i) {yt,wt} is strictly stationary and absolutely regular with mixing coefficients
β(τ) = O(ρτ) for some 0 < ρ < 1.
(ii) For some integer v ≥ 2, fy, fz, and fx all are bounded and belong to A v∞ (see
(iii) with probability one, E[εt | μ-∞ (z), μ-∞1(z)] = 0
<∞ and
E Иεii2∙∙∙εtl∣
for some arbitrarily small η> 0 and ξ> 0, where 2≤l ≤4 is
an integer, 0≤ij ≤4
and ∑ ij ≤ 8 . σl (z) = E(ε21 z) , με4 (z) = E ' ε/ | zt = z ] all
satisfy some Lipschitz
conditions: ∣α(u + v) - a(u)∣ ≤ D(u)∣∣v∣∣ with E ∣D(z)∣2+η
for some small η ' > 0, where a(∙) = σ2ε (∙), με4 (∙) .
(iv) Let fτ,K,τ() be the joint probability density function of (zτ ,K ,zτ
Then fτ,K,τ( ) is bounded and satisfies a Lipschitz condition:
lfτ1,κ,τi ( z1 + u1, z 2 + u 2,∙∙∙ zl + U )-fι,,...,τi ( z1, z 2,k zl
Dτ,K,τ() is integrable and satisfies the condition that ∫Dτκτι( zι,κ, z )l Izl I2 ξ <M<∞,
z1,K,zl) dz< M<∞ for some ξ> 1.
(v) For any y, x satisfying
0< Fy|x(y|x)< 1 and fx(x)> 0; for fixed y , the
conditional distribution function
Fy|x and the conditional density function fy|x belong to
A 3∞ ; fy∖x (Qθ (x)| x) > 0 for all
x ; fy|x is uniformly bounded in x and y by cf , say.
(vi) For some compact set G , there are ε> 0,γ >0 such that fx ≥γ for all x in the
ε -neighborhood {x 11∣x - u∣∣ < ε, u ∈ G } of G ; For the compact set G and some