3. Physical and Psychological Health and the CFM: an insight
The CFM is based on three functionings: Physical and Psychological Health (PPH),
Education and Training (ET), Social Interactions (SI). In this provisional version we analyze in
depth PPH, while we consider the remaining two less thoroughly, just to simulate the whole
3.1 Physical and Psychological Health
Four commodities turned by a larger number of conversion factors build up the functioning
PPH. In figure 4 the commodities are the stock (rectangular) variables: Health System
Employees, Environmental Quality, Security and Occupation. All the other converter (circle)
variables25 represent the conversion factors.
Figure 4 - Physical and Psychological Health
Health System Employees Flux HSE ________ Θ<-q_Γ~ Growth HSE Protected areas (≡7 ∖ oɔ ( Health conditions PP Smokers /'~'∖ > R&D ( Elderly Non repeating students Family with PC Firm birthrate '---' Investment Flux O Growth O |
Environmental Quality Traffic Urban pressure / Growth EQ '“'ч / Hazardous firms ∖ P / >u f ∖ Public green 's⅜Z''^⅛^∙—____f₽l Public transportation HTJς~ V√ Й7 Security <7 ∖ ∖∖∖2≥'^^ ____ Flux S D j∖ X, Defense s------' T Sports V. ( I Difficulty rl∏=√∖ z*K >"∖ O I4JJJ Growth S ( J ∖ J Social deterioration Medical treatments Occupation |

24 See annex I and II.
25 Except for the converter representing the functioning PPH, which has a score-keeping role and whose variation
over time highlights the level of PPH at different points in time.
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