Liite 7. Kokoelma Suomaiaisten Hmastostrategiaprosessien kannalta
hyôdyllisiâ internet-linkkejâ:
Kansalliset Strategiatja toimintaohjelmat:
http://odin.dep.no/md/publ/1999/cliniate change/ ; Norwegian Climate Change Poli-
http://www.ens.dk/uk/energy reform/index.htm ; Danish Electricity Reform
http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/ ; German Advisory Council on Global
Change - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltverande-
rungen - WBGU
http://www.epa.gov/oppeoeel/globalwarming/actions/index.html ; U.S. Climate
Change Actions
http://www.epa.gov/oppeoeel/globalwarming/reports/index.html ; U.S. EPA Climate
Change Reports and Slide Presentations
http://www.susx.ac.uk/Units/gec/pubs/reps/scotrep.htm ;ESRC Global Environmental
Change Programme A Climate Change Mitigation Strategy For Scotland; Workshop
Report organised by The Scottish Office and ESRC Global Environmental Change
ProgrammeVictoria Quay, Edinburgh 30 November 1998
http://metsoc.rsnz.govt.nz/wxclifs.html#3.0 Drivers of Change ; New Zealand’s fo-
resight strategy for the weather and climate sector” coordinated by the Ministry of
Research,; Science and Technology (A Subsector of the Environment Strategy).
http://www.rsnz.govt.nz/ctees/nssclimate/index.html ; National Science Strategy
Committee for Climate Change (New Zealand)
http://www.vn.fi/vn/suomi/vn 14f,htm ; Paavo Lipposen II hallituksen ohjelma ja
hankkeet. 15.4.1999.
http://www.vyh.fi/poltavo/keke/hallohj.htm; Hallituksen kestâvân kehityksen ohjel-
Yritysten Ilmastostrategioitaja oħjelmia:
http://www.indigodev.com/BPclim.html ; Taking Climate Change Seriously: British
Petroleum’s Business Strategy by Ernest A. Lowe and Robert J. Harris, Ph. D pub-
lished in Corporate Environmental Strategy, Winter 1998
http://www.olf.no/miljosok/rapporter/ansvar e∕frame.html ; EXECUTIVE SUMMA-
http://www.energy.rochester.edu/us/climate/ ; District EnergyZCogeneration in U.S.
Climate Change Strategy