Joitakin Sidosryhmalinkkeja:
http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgll/forum/ ; European Consultative Forum on the Envi-
ronment and Sustainable Development
http://www.tt.fi/tiedotteet/tiedote69.shtml ; TT:n tiedotteita
http://www.kuntaliitto.fi/julkaisut/lausunto/98007299.htm ; Kuntaliiton ilmastolau-
http://www.energia.fi/ymparisto/ ; Energia-alan keskusliitto Finergyn ymparistosivu
http://www.eurec.be/ ; European Association of Renewable Energy Research Centres
http://www.greenpeace.no/finnish/3media/index3.htm ; Luontojarjestojen raport-
ti Zuusiutu va energiapolitiikka’
HyodylIista tutkimustietoa:
http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/usub-e/globumar.htm ; Global Environmental Pro-
tection Markets
http://www.erin.gov.au/portfolio/esd/climate/performance/contents.html ; Performan-
ce Indicators for the National Greenhouse Response Strategy
http://0din.dep.n0/md/publ/publ.html#klima ; Publikasjoner fra Miljpvemdeparte-
mentet (Norge)
http://www.tukkk.fi/futu/ilmasto.htm ; Tiedote tutkimuksesta "Ilmastopolitiikkaja
Suomi - kansainvâlisiâ nakokohtia sekâ kansalɪisia sâhkon tuotannon ja kulutuksen
http://www.nefco.org/jip.htm ; A report prepared by the Nordic Environment Finance
Corporation for the Nordic Council of Ministers’ ad hoc Group on Climate Strategies
in the Energy Sector.
http://www.ota.nap.edu/pdf/1994idx.html ; Office of Technology Assessment, United
States Congress
http://www.igc.org/wri/wn/sdis/strategs/climate.html ; Climate Change Assessments,
Strategies, and Action Plans
http://www.cicero.uio.no/Research/Projects/EU leadership.html ; Strategies for EU
leadership for climate and sustainability regimes
http://econwpa.wustl.edu/BibEc/data/Papers/ftheurors96-G ; .html ; Implementing a
Climate Change Strategy in the European Union : Obstacles and Opportunities.
http://www.cnie.org/nle/clim-5.html ; 97057: Global Climate Change: Market-Based
Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Larry Parker Environment and Natural Re-
sources Policy Division May 3,1999