The name is absent



positive, that is,

t = Mt - Dt > o

- dxt [Mt (1 + xt)]2

which establishes, for example, that a monetary contraction creates a relative short-
age of liquidity in the financial market.

Now, introducing (2.33) into (3.7) one gets


from (2.30a)


so that


г = Ubt Lt

t Uct ct

Uct U-77(l-bt)

ɪuɪʌ ɪʌ

t U-7∕ (l-bt)

Differentiating implicitly the previous equation yields


d log Lt
log xt

( 1 - 7λ xtVx,t

к 7 /Lt∕ (I-Lt)2

From (2.4) and (2.12), final output is a function that depends positively on

AtXaLt)^ vtMF (t>)

Hence, a positive (negative) monetary shock increases (reduces) output in the short
run, that is,



к d log xt

= sign

d log Lt
d log xt

The previous result and the fact that, in the short-run, the level of installed
equipment is fixed imply a change in the capacity utilization rate in the economy,
at the same time increasing the market power of those firms with idle resources.
More formally, this can be expressed as follows:

Corollary 1. In the short-run, an increase (decrease) in the equilibrium level of
employment, due to an unanticipated change in the rate of growth of the money
supply, rises (reduces) the mark-up, as well as the capacity utilization rate, whereas
it decreases (increases) the price relation between inter-mediate and final goods.

Proof. The capacity utilization rate was defined in equation (3.4) as

Given that in the short-run Yt, the capacity level in the economy, is fixed and since
from the previous proposition final output increases, it follows immediately that
the capacity utilization rate increases.

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