I = ln[(1 — τ)] + ln[(1 — k)τAka + l] — ln l > 0. (31)
A condition for its no-violation is given, for example, by the steady state predation rate
of (29),
1 + aA
1 + β (1 -a ) l
If the dictator chooses a predation rate lower or equal to gk, dictatorship is politically
stable. This is the threshold of the perimeter of the political stability. How does it evolve
with the parameters?
5.1 The natural level of social order, l
∂I ∂I ∂g
= = TT < < 0
∂l ∂g ∂l
The partial derivative of I with respect to l is negative. The lower l, the higher the
threshold. This means that when the natural level of social order is low, the population’s
need for security is large. The fear of anarchy is great and makes the population accept to
trade a bit of social order against predation/repression. As already mentioned, societies
are structurally different. In some of them, rivalries among ethnic groups, inequality in
political rights, income inequality or any strife among a human group can create difficulties
to reach a peaceful collective choice resulting in a low natural level of social order. In our
analysis, such a level increases the toleration level of dictatorship.
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