Strategy T*
if r = 1 then
|_ place one point in some circle
else if r ≥ 2 then
if at r - 1 G played in a free circle then
place one point in that circle taking a key position (defined by
the position of the green point and dN/Ke
if (K — L(r)) dN/Ke = φ(r) then
take all key positions in the occupied circles and then
divide the free circles equally by taking key positions on
them with all remaining points
else if at r — 1 G played in the circle with at least one red point
and vacant key position, not taking a key position then
place one point in that circle taking a key position (defined by
the position of the red point and dN/Ke
else if there is a circle with red points only and vacant key
positions then
place one point in that circle taking a key position (defined by
the position of the red points and dN/Ke
place one point in a free circle
if (K — L(r))dN/Ke = N — r or (K — L(r))bN/Kc = N — r
divide the free circles equally by taking key positions on
them with all remaining points