determined by m and some point in C. A point placed in a key position
will be called a key point and an interval formed by two key points will be
called a key interval.
Before presenting our results in the next section, we report the main
result from Ahn et al. [2004] for the case K = 1. Consider the following
strategy, S* used by player G (where key positions are simply N equidistant
points on the circle:
Strategy S*
if there is an empty key position left then
(a) |_ place a point on s key position
else if if r < Z then
(b) |_ place a point in the middle of a maximal interval of the opponent
(c) if there is more than one interval of the opponent then
place a point in the middle of a maximal interval of the
else if there is exactly one interval of the opponent and its length
is l then
place a point in a bichromatic key interval at distance less
_ than 1/N — l from endpoint of the opponent
Theorem 1 (Ahn et al. [2004]) Let hN, {Cj}jK=1i define a game on a sin-
gle circle such that K = 1. Then S* is a winning strategy for G although R
can always bring the difference SG — SR as close as possible to zero.