PROVIDE Project Technical Paper 2005:1
February 2005
Figure 3: Comparing patterns of expenditure from IES 2000, SUT 2000 and SARB 2000

Note: Analytic weights assumed (variable weight)
The IES 2000 and SUT 2000 expenditure patterns are more similar since the commodity
groups are now more aggregated. As far as comparisons with SARB 2000 are concerned it is
clear that the general expenditure pattern is similar to patterns in SUT/IES 2000. The largest
difference occurs in transport (group F). The absolute expenditure levels, which are not
shown in the figure, do however differ quite substantially.
The SARB also reports on household income from various sources. Current income is
made up of (1) compensation of employees, (2) income from property, (3) current transfers
from government, (4) current transfers from incorporated business enterprises and (5)
transfers from the rest of the world. The income categories used for the PROVIDE SAM that
are mapped from the IES 2000 income data include income from labour (inclab), income
from GOS (incgos), income from household transfers (inctrans), income from incorporated
business enterprises (inccorp), transfers from government (incgov), other income (incother)
and income from the sale of home produce and livestock (inchphc). Unfortunately the
mapping between these two sets of variables is not straightforward, and hence comparisons
are difficult to make (see section 3.2.8 for more on the mapping of income sources in the IES
The SARB income from property is defined as dividend receipts, interest receipts net of
interest payments, rent receipts net of maintenance, mortgage interest and consumption of
fixed capital, and net profits of non-incorporated business enterprises. In the IES 2000
dividend income and interest receipts were mapped to inccorp. To avoid confusion it was
decided to create a new income from property category, which is made up of the SARB-
defined income from property plus transfers from incorporated business enterprises. In the
case of IES 2000 this category is made up of inccorp plus incgos.
© PROVIDE Project
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