As was the case with fruit and vegetable group 1 a wide variation exists in the
magnitude of the consumption shifts depending upon the method used to estimate the
shift. Shifts in the consumption of garden vegetables ranges from 16 percent to 224
percent. Also, the same pattern in consumption shifts is apparent. When specific sub-
group targets are met before increasing consumption of all vegetables, the shifts are
greater than when each sub-group target is met, except for garden vegetables.

Annual consumption data

No data exists on total annual consumption by Californians. California
consumption will be calculated as 12 percent (California’s share of the US population)
of the US market supply. US market supply is equal to US production plus US imports
less US exports.

Supply Data

Data needed to estimate the supply equations include US and California
production , trade, prices and elasticities. USDA data for the US and California
production and farm value are available from the Fruit and Nut Yearbook and Outlook
reports, the Vegetable and Melon Yearbook and Outlook reports, and Agricultural
Statistics. The USDA data has California statistics for some, but not all crops.
Additional data for California are available from the
Summary of County Agricultural


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