where MVN is a multivariate normal density, IW is an inverted Wishart density,

Hp-1 = Ho-1 + Hd-1                            (4.18)


gp = Hp[Ho-1go +Hd-1gd],                           (4.19)

where gd is the conventional GMM estimator of γ and Hd is the conventional GMM
estimated covariance matrix of
γ .

Because the joint posterior density is complicated to deal with due to the prior restric-
tions, we use Gibbs sampling to generate draws sequentially from conditional distributions
of parameter subsets.
7 In this model, we only need two subsets. First, we can draw the
covariances from an inverted Wishart distribution conditional on the previous draw for the
γ vector. Then the γ vector can be drawn from a truncated multivariate normal distribu-
tion conditional on the drawn value of the Σ matrix. In terms of a “recipe,” the Gibbs
sampler in our application is comprised of the following steps:

0. Obtain initial value for covariance matrix of errors, S(0) , either through conventional
GMM estimation as
êzê/v, where the (4FT × 1) column vector e = (v,,w,1 ,w22,w33)z,
or after arbitrary choice of all parameters.

1. Draw Σ(i) from IW(S(i), ν), where ν = FT - K, and K is the number of estimated
parameters (Draw system covariance matrix conditional on covariance estimate in 1.)
See the Appendix for futher details on this step.

2. Compute g(i) = GMM(y,X, ZΣ(i)), ( Compute GMM estimate conditional on Σ(i))
This requires iterating until convergence using GMM with the covariance of the errors
held constant at Σ

7 For a good and simple explanation of Gibbs sampling for the non-Bayesian, see Casella and George


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