where MVN is a multivariate normal density, IW is an inverted Wishart density,
Hp-1 = Ho-1 + Hd-1 (4.18)
gp = Hp[Ho-1go +Hd-1gd], (4.19)
where gd is the conventional GMM estimator of γ and Hd is the conventional GMM
estimated covariance matrix of γ .
Because the joint posterior density is complicated to deal with due to the prior restric-
tions, we use Gibbs sampling to generate draws sequentially from conditional distributions
of parameter subsets.7 In this model, we only need two subsets. First, we can draw the
covariances from an inverted Wishart distribution conditional on the previous draw for the
γ vector. Then the γ vector can be drawn from a truncated multivariate normal distribu-
tion conditional on the drawn value of the Σ matrix. In terms of a “recipe,” the Gibbs
sampler in our application is comprised of the following steps:
0. Obtain initial value for covariance matrix of errors, S(0) , either through conventional
GMM estimation as êzê/v, where the (4FT × 1) column vector e = (v,,w,1 ,w22,w33)z,
or after arbitrary choice of all parameters.
1. Draw Σ(i) from IW(S(i), ν), where ν = FT - K, and K is the number of estimated
parameters (Draw system covariance matrix conditional on covariance estimate in 1.)
See the Appendix for futher details on this step.
2. Compute g(i) = GMM(y,X, Z∣Σ(i)), ( Compute GMM estimate conditional on Σ(i))
This requires iterating until convergence using GMM with the covariance of the errors
held constant at Σ(i).
7 For a good and simple explanation of Gibbs sampling for the non-Bayesian, see Casella and George
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