Computing optimal sampling designs for two-stage studies

Stata Technical Bulletin


One technical note is in order. Text which includes quotation marks within the text (by means of double quotation) in
title, ctitle, and addnote displays correctly in single regression tables but does not display correctly when subsequent
regressions are appended using the append option.

Coefficient options

bdec numnlitt^) specifies the number of decimal places reported for coefficient estimates. It also specifies the decimal places
reported for standard errors or confidence intervals if se or ci is chosen. The default value is 3. The minimum value is
0, and the maximum is 11. If one number is specified in
nunlist, it will apply to all coefficients. If multiple numbers are
specified, the first number will determine the decimals reported for the first coefficient; the second number, the decimals
for the second coefficient; and so on. If there are fewer numbers in the
nunlist than coefficients, the last number in the
numlist will apply to all the remaining coefficients.

bfmt( textlist) specifies the format type for coefficient estimates (and standard errors or confidence intervals, if se or ci is
chosen). Possible format types include e for scientific notation (for example, 1.00e+3), f or fc for fixed format (with
commas for thousands with fc), and g or gc for general format (with commas for thousands with gc). The default for bfmt
is fc. If multiple format types are specified, they are applied to the coefficients the way that multiple bdec parameters
are applied. This option is mainly to allow scientific notation. For an explanation of Stata numeric formats, see [U] 15.5.1
Numeric formats.

coefastr specifies that asterisks for significance levels are appended to regression coefficients rather than to s statistics or
standard errors.

Options for statistics, standard error, etc.

se specifies that standard errors rather than s statistics are reported.

pvalue specifies that р-values (of s statistics) rather than s statistics are reported.

ci specifies that confidence intervals of coefficients rather than s statistics are reported.

tdec(#) specifies the number of decimal places reported for t statistics (or for р-values if pvalue is specified). It also specifies
the decimal places reported for ^-squared or adjusted ^-squared if they are not specified in rdec. The default value for
tdec is usually 2, but 3 if pvalue is specified. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 11.

noparen specifies that no parentheses be placed around s statistics or standard errors.

bracket specifies that square brackets be used rather than parentheses around s statistics or standard errors.

noaster specifies that no asterisks denoting 1% and 5% significance levels be reported.

3aster specifies 3 asterisks for 1%, 2 asterisks for 5%, and 1 asterisk for 10% significance levels.

IOpct specifies a plus sign for 10% significance levels in addition to the default 2 asterisks for 1%, and 1 asterisk for 5%
significance levels.

sigsymb( textlist) specifies symbols for 1% and 5% significance levels (and 10% significance level if IOpct is also chosen).
The specified symbols replace the asterisks. Quotation marks around the new symbols are optional if the characters “,” and
“)” are avoided. Omitting symbols will prevent the significance level from being labeled (see also noaster). For example,
to display only 1% significance levels, one could use outreg using tablet, sigsymb(*).

Options for statistics

nocons specifies that the intercept (constant) coefficient estimate not be reported.

nonobs specifies that the number of observations in the estimation not be reported.

noni specifies that the number of groups in a panel data regression not be reported (for example, the number of groups specified
by the i() variable in xtreg).

nor2 specifies that no ^-squared (or adjusted ^-squared) be reported. This option is only meaningful when Stata calculates a
true -R-squared.

adjr2 specifies that the adjusted ^-squared be reported rather than the regular ^-squared.

rdec(#) specifies the number of decimal places reported for the ^-squared or adjusted ^-squared. The default value for rdec
is the value for tdec. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is 11.

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