AIAS is a young interdisciplinary institute. established in 1998. aiming to become the leading expert centre in the
Netherlands for research on industrial relations. organisation of work. wage formation and labour market
As a network organisation. AIAS brings together high-level expertise at the University of Amsterdam from five
• Law
• Economics
• Sociology
• Psychology
• Health and safety studies
AIAS provides both teaching and research. On the teaching side it offers a Masters in Advanced Labour
Studies/Human Resources and special courses in co-operation with other organizations such as the National Trade
Union Museum and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'. The teaching is in Dutch but
AIAS is currently developing a MPhil in Organisation and Management Studies and a European Scientific Master
programme in Labour Studies in co-operation with sister institutes from other countries.
AIAS has an extensive research program (2000-2004) building on the research performed by its member scholars.
Current research themes effectively include:
• The impact of the Euro on wage formation. social policy and industrial relations
• Transitional labour markets and the flexibility and security trade-off in social and labour market regulation
• The prospects and policies of 'overcoming marginalisation' in employment
• The cycles of policy learning and mimicking in labour market reforms in Europe
• Female agency and collective bargaining outcomes
• The projects of the LoWER network.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 4
1018 TV Amsterdam
the Netherlands
tel +31 20 525 4199 fax +31 20 525 4301