The name is absent

Flexibility and security: an asymmetrical relationship?


“change security” concept introduced: this consists of paid time off
for workers during their notice period to look for jobs, an employment
programme, an increased obligation of employers to inform and
negotiate and more effective employment services

limitations in the use of successive fixed-term contracts and stricter
control over temporary work

more security introduced for atypical workers (paid sick leave, study leave,
annual holiday compensation)

individualized employment services

new system to assist workers involved in redundancy pro-cedures (action
plans, training opportunities, enhanced UB)

introduction of working time accounts and the annualisation of working
time in sectors with seasonal fluctuations


individualized working time accounts introduced: about 40% of the
employees are covered by this system, which allows them to switch from
FT to PT, reduce their working hours and accumulate hours (and money)
to use for early retirement or sabbaticals


the 2003 Labour Code allows employees to request a modification of their
working time (from FT to PT, and vice-versa)

•   26 weeks of paid maternity leave and 2 years of paid (at 70%) parental


various flexible retirement schemes


national workplace strategy launched to identify how can key challenges
be jointly addressed by the social partners by managing change and
innovation (2005)

the “Towards 2016”social partner agreement identifies the need for greater
participation, productivity and activation, with greater focus on the more
disadvantaged groups in the labour market and on workplace learning

introduction of 2 new bills to enhance enforcement of labour legislation
and set more stringent rules for employment agencies

workplace upskilling initiatives, with the involvement of employers and


measures to stabilize “atypical” employment and income support for the
most disadvantaged groups

•   2008 Finance Act improves protection of the unemployed, without

changing the eligibility criteria: extension of benefit period, increase in the
replacement rate

active labour market policies have been devolved to regions

accredited private employment agencies are authorised to engage in a
number of activities


restructuring companies obliged to establish a job retention plan, in view
of minimizing the number of redundant workers: partial unemployment,
reduced working hours, voluntary PT work, training initiatives to support
redeployment or outplacement

economic incentives to private employers to recruit older workers

unemployed people who accept a job that is paid less than their previous
one, are entitled an income supplement

Page 43

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