8. Health 39
8.1 Health and self 42
8.2 Negative effects on health 43
9. Social capital and social cohesion 43
9.1 Social capital 44
9.2 Social cohesion 55
PART C: Individual case studies 64
10. Interactions 64
10.1 Juliet 64
10.2 Kali 67
10.3 Lydia 70
10.4 Conclusions 72
11. Change and communication: dependence, independence and 73
11.1 Gareth 73
PART D: Recapitulation and policy conclusions 77
12. Conclusions 77
12.1 Conceptual and methodological issues 77
12.2 Initial education and lifelong learning 78
12.3 Family lives 79
12.4 Health 80
12.5 Social capital and social cohesion 81
12.6 Communication 82
References 84
Appendix 1: Respondents’ background characteristics 86
Appendix 2: Information about interview topic guides 89
Appendix 3: NALS definition of learning activities 90