12 | Erhel & Guergoat-Larivière
hal-00616771, version 1 - 24 Aug 2011
Table 5. Job quality indicators by gender (in % in 2006-2007, except wages in euro, 2002)
Gender |
Sunday |
Saturday |
Night |
Temporary |
Part |
Involuntary |
Monthly |
Annual |
Participation | |
EU 15 |
Women |
13,5 |
28,3 |
5,7 |
15,61 |
36,3 |
20 |
2090,5 |
26825,0 |
12,4 |
EU 15 |
Men |
13,5 |
28,1 |
10,2 |
13,94 |
7,5 |
29,3 |
2694,6 |
35418,7 |
10,2 |
EU 15 |
Total |
13,5 |
28,2 |
8,2 |
14,72 |
20,3 |
21,8 |
2450,7 |
32011,6 |
11,3 |
EU 25 |
Women |
13,1 |
27 |
5,4 |
15,78 |
32,2 |
20,1 |
1788,9 |
22802,9 |
. |
EU 25 |
Men |
13,3 |
27,3 |
9,8 |
14,36 |
7,0 |
28,5 |
2389,4 |
31330,0 |
. |
EU 25 |
Total |
13,2 |
27,2 |
7,8 |
15,02 |
18,2 |
21,8 |
2139,9 |
27836,1 |
. |
EU 27 |
Women |
13,2 |
27,1 |
5,4 |
15,13 |
30,7 |
20,4 |
. |
. |
10,6 |
EU 27 |
Men |
13,6 |
27,8 |
9,7 |
13,77 |
7,0 |
30,6 |
. |
. |
8,8 |
EU 27 |
Total |
13,4 |
27,5 |
7,8 |
14,41 |
17,6 |
22,5 |
. |
. |
9,7__________ |
NMS 10 |
Women |
11 |
19,5 |
4,2 |
15,60 |
9,8 |
26,9 |
456,6 |
5891,3 |
. |
NMS 10 |
Men |
12,7 |
23 |
7,5 |
16,80 |
4,5 |
28,9 |
572,0 |
7472,7 |
. |
NMS 10 |
Total |
11,9 |
21,4 |
6 |
16,20 |
6,9 |
27,6 |
517,0 |
6718,6 |
. |
Source: LFS (2006 for NMS, 2007 for EU15), European Structure of Earnings Survey (2002).
Temporary employment is rather equally shared out between men and women in Europe even if
women are a bit more concerned than men in EU15 countries (15.6% vs. 13.9%). On the other
hand, part-time work is much more concentrated on women and this is particularly true in the
EU15 where more than a third of women (36.3%) work part-time. The proportion of women
working part-time is twice as high as men’s in the New Member States whereas it is five times
as high as men’s in EU15. This large difference is partly explained by the lower participation of
women in the labour market in the New Member States. The original form of the ‘male
breadwinner/female carer’ model may be more present in NMS while it has evolved to a slightly
different version in the EU15, where more women work but often part-time. Besides, let us
recall that situations vary considerably even within the EU15 (from 9.9% female part-time work
rate in Greece to 74.8% in the Netherlands).
However, we can notice that EU15 women who work part time are less likely to declare being
on involuntary part-time (20%), compared to women of NMS (27%) and to European men in
general (around 29%). But it is still useful to compare the proportion of involuntary part time in
total employment for men and women in EU15: in the end, among all women in employment,
7.3% work part-time involuntarily whereas only 2.2% of men in employment work part-time
involuntarily. Part-time work in general and involuntary part-time in particular clearly remain
female job characteristics.
Wage gaps between men and women are still very important in absolute terms: men earn about
30% more than women. This comparison of course does not take into account either differences
in qualifications or differences in working time (part time vs. full time). However, it is then not
useless to compare these raw figures since these differences can also be considered to a certain
point as reflecting inequalities between men and women in terms of access to higher education
and in terms of career and conciliation with family life (part-time work related to child care by
the mother).