Appendix Table 47: Increase in Income of North American Indians (NAI) Assuming Elimination of the 2001 Gap in Educational Attainment, Scenario 8: Employment
Rates Reach the 2001 Level of non-Aboriginals and Income Increases with Average Rate
2001 |
2017 | |||||
North American Indian Working Age Population Employment in Canada |
467,800 1,108,048,000 14,946,158 2001 |
717,700 2017 |
Income in |
Income in 2017 |
Absolute | |
Less than Grade 5 |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
431 13.6 |
213 20.4 |
40,577 |
58,044 |
17,467 |
Grades 5 to 8 |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
12.60 15,232 11,939 20.3 |
7.54 24.8 |
181,866 |
256,715 |
74,849 |
Grades 9 to 13 |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
33.39 15,317 49,128 31.5 |
21.22 47.4 |
752,474 |
1,387,299 |
634,825 |
Secondary - high school graduation certificate |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
8.71 21,130 23,526 57.7 |
14.22 64.7 |
497,090 |
1,750,945 |
1,253,856 |
Trades certificate or diploma |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
4.06 20,527 10,983 57.8 |
3.49 64.6 |
225,453 |
416,297 |
190,844 |
College: With trades certificate or diploma |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
6.66 64.3 |
6.65 73.7 |
488,406 |
1,074,686 |
586,281 |
College: With college certificate or diploma |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
8.39 23,907 27,242 69.4 |
12.20 30,003 66,128 75.5 |
651,269 |
1,984,073 |
1,332,804 |
University: With university or college certificate or diplo Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed _____________________________________________________Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
4.49 23,963 14,148 67.4 |
6.02 30,074 31,712 73.4 |
339,043 |
953,705 |
614,662 | |
University: With bachelor or first professional degree |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
3.16 32,654 11,181 75.7 |
10.81 |
365,096 |
2,489,477 |
2,124,381 |
University: With certificate or diploma above bachelor le Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed _____________________________________________________Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
0.38 62.5 |
1.63 76.1 |
43,990 |
438,749 |
394,759 | |
University: With master’s degree[s] |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
0.52 45,306 1,791 74.1 |
2.73 78.1 |
81,147 |
871,435 |
790,288 |
University: With earned doctorate |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
0.08 |
0.56 77.9 |
8,958 |
197,377 |
188,418 |
College: Without trades or college certificate or diploma Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed _____________________________________________________Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
8.81 18,102 21,515 52.2 |
6.40 66.4 |
389,462 |
692,371 |
302,909 | |
University: Without certificate, diploma or degree |
Share of the population Average Income (persons with positive in Number of NAI employed Employment rate of aboriginals__________ |
4.46 17,568 10,727 51.4 |
4.40 67.4 |
188,458 |
469,598 |
281,139 |
Source: Census 2001, Public Use Microdata Files. Estimation of 2017 WAP from Statistics Canada (2005) and GDP in 2017 from Dungan and Murphy (2007)
Note: The share of population in each education group is from the Census PUMF, while the total working age population absolute number is from Statistics Canada (2005).
To find the number of aboriginals in each group, the proportion was multiplied by the total number, and then to find the number with positive income, it was again multiplied by
the ratio of persons with positive income to the total working age population for each educational group. The number of persons obtained in this way was then multiplied by average in
to obtain the aggregate income in each group. The total increase in income between 2001 and 2017 is multiplied by two to find the corresponding increase in GDP, assuming that
incomes represent about half of GDP.
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