The Modified- Classroom ObservationScheduletoMeasureIntenticnaCommunication( M-COSMIC): EvaluationofReliabilityandValidity

Modified COSMIC 2


The Modified - Classroom Observation Schedule to Measure Intentional Communication
(M-COSMIC) was developed as an ecologically valid measure of social-communication
behaviour, delineating forms, functions, and intended partners of children’s spontaneous
communication acts. Forty one children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) aged 48 to 73
months were filmed within small-group settings at school. Communication behaviours during a
five-minute teacher-led activity and a 10-minute free play session were coded from video-tape.
Inter-rater reliability was high. Many M-COSMIC codes were significantly associated as
predicted with Social and Communication domain scores on the Autism Diagnostic Observation
Schedule (ADOS) and with scores on standardised language assessments. Agreement was more
variable, however, at the level of individual M-COSMIC codes and ADOS items. Higher rates of
responding, compliance behaviours and following pointing gestures and gaze occurred during the
more structured teacher-led activity, compared to the free play. Results demonstrate preliminary
construct validity of the M-COSMIC, showing its potential to describe and evaluate spontaneous
social-communication skills in young children with ASD for research and applied purposes.

[Word count = 167; Limit = 200]

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorders, Observation, Ecological validity, Social Communication,
School, Measurement

Role of funding source: The sponsor of the study had no role in study design, data
collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report.

Conflicts of interest: None.

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