Deprivation Analysis in Declining Inner City Residential Areas: A Case Study From Izmir, Turkey.


In this study, the general measurement technique of decline is explained by the examples from the wide
literature on urban deprivation measurement studies; then, the adaptation of the methodology to the case
study is presented by determining the variables.

The phenomenon of inner city residential decline is examined in this study using the concept of
deprivation as both a heuristic and analytic tool. The general principles of the “deprivation measurement” are
adapted as the technique of the analysis.

Most of the studies (Wilson1996; Broadway 1989; Broadway and Jesty, 1998; Langlois and Kitchen
2001; Carter, 2003; Bailey, et al. 2004) have used various forms of the urban deprivation measurement in
order to examine inner city declining areas. However, the basic principle of these measurements is the usage
of deprivation index that is constituted with respect to the local characteristics of the study area, or country.
The general deprivation index comprise of two fundamental sections:
social deprivation and material
. Social deprivation includes the indicators such as employment, family activity, integration,
participation in social institution, recreation, and education. On the other hand,
material deprivation includes
the indicators such as dietary, clothing, housing, home facilities, environment, location, and working
conditions (Townsend, 1987; cited in Carter, 2003:32).

In Turkey, the data at district level is not gathered systematically and regularly except the number of
inhabitants. For instance, the information about the income levels of the district, or age, gender, of the
population living in the district is not documented. While the deprivation studies in the literature use these
types information to rank the district from least deprived to most deprived; the application of this method is
impossible for our country because of the data obtaining problems as mentioned above.

The field survey of this study that was hold in the period of May - June 2005, comprises field interviews
and site exploration and observation. Face-to-face deep interviews and questionnaire forms provide the
primary data regarding the problem. Sampling size was 5 %, thus, the field survey of the thesis includes 65
interviews. The field analysis bases on the site exploration and observation. This enabled us to draw and
update the land use map and the quality of the building map. Furthermore, the information about the general
physical and environmental conditions is obtained by photographing as well as the focus group conversations
with some residents in the Tuzcu Districts. General information regarding to the Tuzcu District is obtained
from the mukhtar of the district and Konak Municipality.

Measurement of Decline in Residential Areas: The Concept of Deprivation

Most of the research on deprivation starts from the definition given by Townsend (1993, cited in Bailey,
et al. 2004) who is one of the major contributors of the urban deprivation concept. Townsend (1993)
emphasizes multidimensional nature of urban deprivation by separating deprivation domains as material and
social. According to Townsend (1993) people are deprived if they lack the resources to participate in the
normal social life of their community. So the urban deprivation is “a state of observable and demonstrable
disadvantage relative to the local community or the wider society or nation to which an individual, family or
group belongs” (Townsend 1987; cited in Broadway and Jesty, 1998: 1424).

With respect to this definition, Bailey (et. al 2004) highlights the two issues of deprivation concept.
Firstly, deprivation is a relative concept and it is based on socially accepted norms or standards which will
differ from one society to the next, and which will change over time. The threshold point for deprived people
of groups rises or decreases according to the time and the standards of their community as a whole.
Therefore, it may be claimed that deprivation relate to the uneven distribution of physical, economic and
social conditions in an area.

The concept of deprivation is a multidimensional one, and people may be deprived in different ways. For
example, some people may not have adequate diet; others may suffer from poor environment and social
conditions in which they live. Therefore, the way of measurement of urban deprivation can vary according
to the local area characteristics. This local area can be squatter settlement as well as inner city
neighborhoods. Also deprivation measurement indicators can be used for the rural areas. It is important to
note that deprivation measurement is commonly used in order to explore the problems of the declining inner
cities or disadvantaged areas (Wilson1996, Broadway 1989, Broadway and Jesty 1998, Ley and Smith 2000;
cited in Langlois and Kitchen 2001).

As mentioned before, most of the deprivation measurement studies have generally developed by having
been based on Townsend’s (1993, cited in Bailey et al, 2004) model of deprivation. Townsend’s framework
of deprivation is shown in table 1. Townsend emhasises that deprivation and poverty is not same thing,
despite the relations between them are too strong.

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