Table 8. Analysis of main social-economic variables in Jaén olive tree irrigated land in 1999
comparing the original survey with new data income per capita. (Euros. Reference year 2000=100)
Survey |
One |
Doubled IncomeZcapita |
Tripled IncomeZcapita |
Quadrupled IncomeZcapita | |
Cross-section Data |
39 |
38 |
34 |
30 |
28 |
Farming Area (Ha) |
45.46 |
46.63 |
51.14 |
56.49 |
59.56 |
Crop Yield (kg∕Ha) |
5,730.14 |
5,723.03 |
5,906.59 |
6,087.26 |
6,188.86 |
Labour work (working-days∕Ha) |
15.89 |
15.49 |
15.05 |
14.51 |
14.7 |
3.12 |
3.2 |
3.5 |
3.85 |
4.08 |
Total Expenditure (Euros∕Ha) |
954.13 |
941.38 |
905.33 |
880.92 |
898.79 |
Subsidies (Euros∕Ha) |
1,185.87 |
1,178.22 |
1,233.43 |
1,285.05 |
1,287.82 |
Total Revenue (Euros∕Ha) |
3,447.52 |
3,441.48 |
3,564.46 |
3,667.32 |
3,704.53 |
Direct Gross Margin (Euros∕Ha) |
2,474.36 |
2,480.58 |
2,637.30 |
2,778.72 |
2,797.51 |
Average IncomeZfarm (Euros) |
139,803.52 |
143,395.21 |
158,544.28 |
176,522.78 |
186,309.29 |
Source: Income per capita of Jaén province from Nacional Estatistic Institute (INE).
In third place, irrigated land always need more labour work than dry land in both crop
years. In 1999 the average size of irrigated land is bigger than dry land. This could justify the
higher AWU of irrigated land but it is not normal that labour work per hectare is higher in dry
land than in irrigated land in that crop year8 (Figure 4).
In fourth place, it strikes us that in the year 1999 the average income per hectare was
higher in dry land than irrigated land while in 1994 is on the contrary (as, perhaps, it should
always be). However, in 1999 irrigated land had less expenditure than dry land which makes a
higher direct gross margin in irrigated than in dry land.
In fifth place, in spite of using more labour work and having more expenditure than dry
land, the irrigated land overcomes dry land in average income∕farm. In 1994 with irrigated land
with smaller size than dry land, the average income of the sample of irrigated land was over
49,000 euros, while in dry land was 32.500 euros. If we compare the same data in farms with
quadrupled income per capita the difference is even higher in favour of irrigated land, even
when they are half size of a dry land farm (73,500 euros for average income in dry land versus
104,700 euros in irrigated land).
Finally, we can say that olive oil farm is more profitable in 1999 than in1994 in both dry
and irrigated land. In 1999 average income per farm in dry land is higher than in irrigated land,
8 In irrigated land agricultural machinery to the haversting is more used than in dry land, which justify not only the
number of labour work, but less total expenditure in 1999 in irrigated land.