Is it experience, excellence, training or willingness that enables
change or is its conception unrealistic idealism? Does SS2 recognise
its threatening quality becotfse she herself has had her ways of
working upset by the account of a committed and excellent practitioner
of integration (4.1.aiii).
By no means in this early part of their
course are all students open to and eager for new ideas. Given the
changes in education much of what they see is unfaβn∙liar and it is
little wonder that they rely on available perspectives to interpret
and to propose. In the next two extracts subject background is
isolated as a factor in such interpretation.
School C 23.10.81 P5 Ii
That means you’re going against what’s hap-
pening because the curriculum is biased towards
society because it is maintaining the status
quo and the curriculum is the one thing that
is doing that - that you’ve got to specialise,
The very nature
the individual isn’t being
catered for.
Yes I started off by saying if you’re thinking
of the curriculum in those terms you’ve got
have an
a political stand
education syste:
to make
the way things are at
going to go for one that
I going to
people con-
the moment
makes them
change the situation
to abandon
- that’s when I decided
see for the purposes of
this discussion .....
However the school experience makes new demands that may lead to
modification. This is perhaps more likely to occur when subject
specialists discuss their ideas with students from different back-
grounds. The tutor in the next extract refers to examples of a
lesson discussed by SSl the previous week where conceptualisations
about the family were seen as in the teacher’s head and discussion