The name is absent


themselves as London.

No5 I was looking at it from the point of
view of whether they worked locally or whether
there was any big factory - like in X where
I come from - in one area all the children’s

fathers are in the mine




- ɪ was trying to find out if there was any
local industry they all worked in -

Tutor It’s very difficult, isn't it.

RE That makes the background of the children

totally unknown.

In RE's case later discussions indicate that her social and educational


affect her thinking about curriculum and employment
and how they affect the individual teacher.

Discussions of the Research Group data suggested that personal educa-
tιonal experience should be acknowledged and worked with. The
school group sharing their present school experiences can perhaps
realistically share their early experiences and learn from them.

The emphasis has been upon active and personal learning but not as
a replacement for reflection and theorising, rather as a starting
point with the classroom experience of the student teacher as the
end point. The future orientation of the course was indicated earlier
in this chapter and perhaps to this should now be added the awareness
and capacity to integrate* past experience and concerns.

4.3 PGCE in the Process of Teacher Education

At the end of the last section it was emphasised that the school
group should enable students to confront and work with their own

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