The name is absent


School A 16.10.81  P9∕10 bi





Yes but it’s mixed ability - they’re all
on different cards so how do you class teach
it. It’s like a nightmare to me. I can't
even begin to start thinking about it.

In the first part of a Maths lesson you
obviously do.

Yes I’ve got to but I asked V Tutorand he
said I’ve got to class teach it and they
don’t class teach at all in the school.
As a student you've got to, for these kids
who’ve never been class taught and are all
going to be different abilities so where
do you start? What point do you start from?

You probably do it along the line of invest-
igation. Well what we did with dots and
lines yesterday. Five dots, what’s the most

lines you can get to join the:


You can

still class teach things like that where
you can give that introduction and the child-

ren go at their own pace and kind of invest-
igate. I think they can still start at the
same point.


I still,

I really don *t think of that as

class teaching,



of the,

me leading

the way,


know what I mean - you’re



of the class for five

inutes you say

do this and you get up at the end and you
say a bit more but I think of class teaching
as you standing up there for half an hour.

Tutor But that is a lecture, that isn't teaching.

Here the student’s sense of what is required of students is
supported by the Visiting Tutor, thus increasing her anxiety that
she is expected to reproduce her own early experiences of what class-


and being taught actually mean in circumstances

which bear

little resemblance to that.



ιany student teachers

their early

contacts with schools on

their own early experience

the course are disorienting in terms of

as the following extract illustrates.

School A 16.10.81 P7 ii

Tutor What would you find most difficult?

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