in oneself which push one towards that .....
These extracts suggest the importance of powerful learning experiences
that engage the student on an emotional level. It is no easy task
to demonstrate to highly literate students the frustrations that
can attend the use of print in schools. Incomprehension and anger
are not always resolved as they were for El and Hums. Active or
passive refusal to learn are found amongst graduate, students and may
may arise when the students’ needs or reactions as individuals are
incorporated into the
tutor's frame of reference.
The indig-
nation shown by students in the last extract has to be used. If
as Ml says
brutalised then
the preconditions
this must be understood so that change can be considered. Equally
the possibility and practice of sensitive, caring relationships
in all classrooms has to be attended to at both personal and insti-
Schools, classrooms and
tutional levels in initial training.
teachers demonstrate
the extent
experience: of or commitment to change and students need to become
aware of and be able to work within this complexity. Preconceptions
need to be examined and new experiences responded to for it is through
this that the complexity is held.
In the next extract a social studies student draws on ways of working
that were experienced and considered by her Method Group during
a day visit to Nottingdale Urban Studies Centre which she has applied
to her school group work.
School A 6.11.81 PlO giii
I was trying to look at the immediate area
and also to look at the available