resources that pertain to the school and
the parents and in fact my hypothesis was
that a lot of official resources weren’t
in that circle like the Education Welfare
Service, for instance, and yet I think it’s
a very rich area insofar as it’s a tremendous
shopping area and there are a lot of resources
round area A - so it depends on the level
of resources we’re looking at. But I started
being interested in the sort of official
resources .....
I was inspired by Chris Webb at the Notting-
dale Urban Studies Centre because those of
us who went on the social studies day there
- he showed some slides
of the area and I
think the circle
almost got it in. They
very dramatically
very very quickly
how the area
in the last
area showing
had developed
100 years and
so I started off at County Hall .....
SSl ..... The other main resource apart from
what we’ve seen with our eyes is, I chatted
with Mr X the school keeper - and he was
so incredible - he went to the old School
the primary
school and secondary school
..... he said that prior to the redevelopment
very much an area of costermongers and Italians
which I thought was interesting for the
im∏ιigranta and one of the cleaner’s fathers
was an Italian ice cream maker. Again when
someone made a reference yesterday (in a
Social Studies method session) to using
immigration into America - the Italians
1920’s in New York to just distance
children from the problem
diving into immigration in
bit instead
England -
thought that distancing in time rather than
in space might be important.
Or the irish
immigration into that
still an area of Irish
area -
SSl Oh yes either not instead of a .....
One of the books we looked at down in the
library you get the impression of the moving
through of
immigration as the generations
go by like happened in New York.
Italians came first and
in and
the next set of immigrants move in .....