What is shown hero is the value of active experience and the possi-
bility of returning to it, evaluating both the experience and one’s
response so that one ’ s own learning can be used to shape one * s
School B
30.10.81 P5 9iii
Eng Read the piece and then look at what teacher
said (Writing Across the Curriculum 1976).
The teacher really marked it
that way.
I wonder what sort of piece she or he would
have marked as really good.
Ml Unless the teacher wanted a piece the object
of which was to show good punctuation I
really can’t imagine ..... That’s the only
way you could justify that sort of thing
- even if you could.
Tutor I don't think you can justify but perhaps
try to explain - CSE Mode I exam context.
Eng But I think an external examiner wouldn’t
just look for punctuation. What about the
creativity .
Tutor ..... You have to be aware of the way the
structure of the school pushes you.
Eng Perhaps the teacher disliked the kid.
Hums ɪ wonder if he ever wrote anything again.
I was thinking about
that - it wasn’t just
he dashed
off from the top of
his head - he must have been really thinking
about that - thinking it was good and then
Ml That piece of writing really involved me
- the poor fox and he slaps it down like
that. I don't know how typical it is.
I think
of it.
the trouble is you can
find so much
become brutalised
They get used to kids
a week and that's all
to take you away froι
I think one has to be
- they deal with 18θ
in it - I don't want
the pain of that but
aware of the things