The name is absent

assessment - even there the dissertation
- here you’re accumulating it all the time.

At this stage the information comes from the tutor. In the early
weefe ways of working are established and that try to combine personal
and educational concerns and show how this might be achieved through
the course work.

b) Level of Discourse

As well


a concern with ways of working the Alternative Course

also establishes a level of

debate for the discussion of educational

issues .

Discussions about

the practice of teacher

education and student experience suggests that coherence does not
exist between parts of the course. Students in the Research Group
were affected by dislocations between parts of the course which were

attributable more to level than to content. Student perceptions
here can be informative for staff observations are frequently rest-
ricted to their experiences of particular courses. It is students
who experience the whole whilst staff generally plan and participate
in the components. In the next extract a student comments on her

view of a curriculum option course.

School B 30.10.81 Pl Ii


Multi-cultural - I didn’t enjoy it - it was

introductory - about dialect

it might

get more interesting .....

..... I was interested in going after what
we’d done here but it was a much lower level.
I’d wanted to talk about the Maureen Stones
(1931) and things like that and it’s a very
short course .

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