the teachers - I think it’s confusing for
the children.
SS2 I felt some of that today because I’d have
liked to have put posters up and had them
walk around and look at them but I was just
worried about people wandering around the
class - perhaps it’s best to keep them sit-
ting down as they're used to .....
V The same thing happens when you take over
Tutor a class from another teacher and the first
thing they all say to you is Mr so-and-so
didn't do it like that - I can see the prob-
lem may be greater but it ’ s certainly not
unique - every teacher comes across that.
But you can always say when it becomes your
class 'But I am not Mr So-and-so - like it
or not, you've got me for a year'.
V But to some extent you can say that too for
Tutor those periods.
SSl But when you still haven't got any confidence
in yourself, and you don't know who you are
as a teacher it's slightly different isn't
it. ɪ mean it won't go away - it's something
that you have to go through that's pretty
painful at the
Students have to consider other teachers
some of who:
they work
closely with as well as others.
They have to come
to terms with
the gap between what they want to do and what they actually attempt,
and at
the same time there
considerations about the
children which all have to be resolved. The resolution needs to
be seen in both the short and long term for what might be acceptable
at this point to SS2 in the second extract might be quite inappro-
priate in the
Much depends on the success of the negoti-
ation that the visiting tutor points to.
But too often at this stage
in such a way as to convince
as SSl suggests in the fourth extract students lack the confidence
to articulate their plans and intentions
a teacher who they might judge to be unsympathetic to their approach.