In the following extracts School A and School B are beginning a joinl
session by exploring the general atmosphere of School B.
A has heard and discussed the Head’s own account of the school. Ir
the Research
Group the atmosphere of the school
was referred to by
students and by the summer
term they
a progressively
complex and analytic way of defining
it. As the next extract shows
the ways students have of knowing the school
is not just an
because whatever the level of the articulation they arc
affected by the impressions that they have.
Since their identity
and practices as teachers are formed with reference to this ther
it is important that at each stage the perceptions and their conse-
quences are examined.
the self-knowledge
and assessment that is the basis of the professional persona of the
teacher. It is what provides the bridge from training to probatior
and into a career.
Here BM2 begins with the Head’s
account of policy in the school anc
moves into what it looks like
and his fellow students ir
the Maths department.
School B and A
29.1.82 P2∕3 Ii
BM 2
So his
idea very much
children but to create a
phere in each class
necessarily shouted at
is not to confront
co-operative atmos-
the children aren’t
threatened with various
sanctions and of course that has its drawbacks.
We were discussing one time in certain depart-
ments like in tl
suggest that you
anything so
problem in so
≡ Maths Department they
don't threaten children
you don’t threaten them
as a student you have a
far as you've got to main-
some kind of control within the classroom
threaten the
The probleι
it’s hoped that you won’t
children with any sanctions*
for the student then is that
ay have developed this co-opera-