was very unfair because he was committed
on a far deeper level than they were talking
about and it just happendJ that at that point
he didn’t have them
because he changed every-
thing quite often but they took it on the
level of books not what he actually did in
the classroom.
Yet what do you say in a school that doesn’t
do anything - beyond I notice that you haven’t
got this and that. Maybe the way that you
break through - not in the sense of an indivi-
dual awakening but to doing this together
while you are teaching within an institution
like a school
impenetrable .
which can look absolutely
So I feel sympathetic to
of view. He must see that situation
B Hum
On the whole a
educational pħil-
osophy - it’s
not what the state wants and
the state is interested in - on the whole
the Multi-cultural Ethnic Inspectorate are
a state funded body - although personally
that - but
it’s not set
up to change the education system in that
sort of a way.
C What new initiatives would you like to see
emerging from the Swann Committee
This comes back to the organisation of teaching such that the defined
needs of learners can be met. What a group needs or what might serve
several groups in a course like this can only be planned on the ground.
But the sense of what a group can
take is informed by what individuals
are seen to need or are able to
contribute but at the same time goes
further that this.
Once again
it is a long term view of where the
group can move to and what will enable that movement.
6.4 Reflection and theorising
The previous sections have shown the course working near to the
student experience and have emphasised that experience as the starting
point and the objective of the course. It has been suggested that