The name is absent


a) Levels of debate

The problem of the use of theoretical knowledge is highlighted as
one that permeates teacher education and can be seen at present
in discussions of multi-cultural education. Over time the issues

that are at the forefront of educational concerns change.

With their

change may


dangerous assumption that the old issues are

settled. The reading of the transcripts from which extracts are

now taken

is reminiscent of so many discussions of educational issues

and suggests the persistance of conventional models for teaching
and learning. The assertion in teacher education that it covers
multi-cultural education refers only to the coverage and exposure

that is is given in the teaching. It says nothing of what students

make of it as an

of their personal and professional knowledge.

The transcripts suggest that the structure of the course, its proxi-

mity to issues

on the ground whether at personal or institutional


does make inroads into

the conventional models

The focus

of the

course on theorising and the representation of this in seminars

and in

course work provide a


of evaluating

the efficacy

of the pedagogy developed by the Course.

In the

first extract the group

are discussing Maureen Stone’s book

then recently published

Stones 1981) and the gap is quite apparent

between the


and knowledge of



assumed by the literature

and the students

present position.

School C 22.1.82 P7 oi


Is education not a part of making kids more
positive and more confident is


to be .....
- interruption -

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